Brides & Wedding Preperation
Tyra has a special interest in helping women feel their best when they walk down the isle. Most woman know exactly what they want to see in a wedding gown and what they want to look like on their wedding day hence, many brides-to-be find themselves committing to a new dress as well as a new motivation to exercise. Vinofit By Tyra offers Bride-to-be fitness programs to women with strict deadlines and busy schedules. Programs are designed for private, group and or online training. (Email Link for inquiries) (Picture of brides and testimony????) Email for Inquiries.
Private Training Program: 12 week in-person program. Package includes consultation, nutrition consultation, 24 hour online resource, 24 or 36 one-on-one training sessions (rates range from $1000 to $1500). Less than 12 weeks, email for pricing.
Group Training/Bridal Bootcamp: One-on-One consultation, nutrition guide, 24 hour online resource, (Four plus brides) $20 per bride (location and time TBA)
Online Training: 12 week program. Package includes nutrition information, online resources, weekly workouts (24 or 36 per month) (rates start at $50)
“Looking good in a dress requires something other than typical cardio and loosing weight, It requires toning and fat loss in all the parts of her that the dress will show off.”-Tyra